I blog exactly how I journal. Poorly.
However, it has occurred to me that my life is full of stories and observations that I personally feel are worth sharing, or I guess saving; even if it's only with myself. It is my hope that this will be an arena for me to document some thoughts and experiences that I'd rather not forget. Maybe they will be entertaining or inspiring to you. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Consider this a preface to what will hopefully be an accurate, interesting, noteworthy, and above all consistent record of the world through the astigmatism-laden eyes of yours truly.
It all started on a rainy night in September 1988...just kidding, but really if you ever want to hear about my birth story, it's a doozie. Instead I'll just make a quick list of a very few of the things I've learned from this mirage called life.
- Perfection is just around the corner. And that corner is a circle.
- Bowls are much more satisfying to drink from than cups (but not like a dog).
- People will always assume things about you, and you about them. You're both wrong.
- It is a poignant moment in life when you realize that neither of your parents are perfect, and you admire them even more because of it.
- Violent urges are unhealthy (apparently).
- If the brain is the computer of your body, the heart is most definitely the engine. One can crash and the other break down, and both are vulnerable to external forces. Take care of them and you'll perform better.
- Wolves.
- People who say they don't care what others think of them care more than most.
- What others think of us has power to form what we think of ourselves. We don't have to accept that.
- Thinking about your future (or present) children is an excellent filter before making any decision.
- Girls are mean.
- Boys are stupid.
- If you think something kind about someone, you will never regret telling it to their face. You may forget it, but they won't.
- Mountains have a way of opening your mind.
- Not all people who talk about mountains smoke pot.
- Some of the most vulgar and inappropriate people are often the kindest and most optimistic.
- Some of the most well behaved and regal people are often the most sinister.
- Lefties have more fun.
- There is great dignity in the risk of pursuing dreams of grandeur.
- There is equally great dignity in quietly living life each day.
- We are past the point of no return with regards to the internet. It is a part of life now and it is nearly impossible to go without it. Try not to spoil it with your attention though. Go outside and let your senses do their job.
- Letting people into your lane on the freeway can instantly calm your nerves.
- Paying attention to your walking speed and then slowing down can instantly make you feel better about life.
- When you're sad or stressed, looking at pictures of lions on google images can go a long way.
It all started on a rainy night in September 1988...just kidding, but really if you ever want to hear about my birth story, it's a doozie. Instead I'll just make a quick list of a very few of the things I've learned from this mirage called life.
- Perfection is just around the corner. And that corner is a circle.
- Bowls are much more satisfying to drink from than cups (but not like a dog).
- People will always assume things about you, and you about them. You're both wrong.
- It is a poignant moment in life when you realize that neither of your parents are perfect, and you admire them even more because of it.
- Violent urges are unhealthy (apparently).
- If the brain is the computer of your body, the heart is most definitely the engine. One can crash and the other break down, and both are vulnerable to external forces. Take care of them and you'll perform better.
- Wolves.
- People who say they don't care what others think of them care more than most.
- What others think of us has power to form what we think of ourselves. We don't have to accept that.
- Thinking about your future (or present) children is an excellent filter before making any decision.
- Girls are mean.
- Boys are stupid.
- If you think something kind about someone, you will never regret telling it to their face. You may forget it, but they won't.
- Mountains have a way of opening your mind.
- Not all people who talk about mountains smoke pot.
- Some of the most vulgar and inappropriate people are often the kindest and most optimistic.
- Some of the most well behaved and regal people are often the most sinister.
- Lefties have more fun.
- There is great dignity in the risk of pursuing dreams of grandeur.
- There is equally great dignity in quietly living life each day.
- We are past the point of no return with regards to the internet. It is a part of life now and it is nearly impossible to go without it. Try not to spoil it with your attention though. Go outside and let your senses do their job.
- Letting people into your lane on the freeway can instantly calm your nerves.
- Paying attention to your walking speed and then slowing down can instantly make you feel better about life.
- When you're sad or stressed, looking at pictures of lions on google images can go a long way.
If you're still with me, congratulations.
I know photographs are a lot better at maintaining our A.D.D. stricken generation's attention and words are basically static getting in the way of more visually stimulating media but one of the greatest things I've learned is that life is all about perspective. History is perspective. The status quo is perspective. The ever-looming future is relative to each individual's perspective. I think it's important that we take the time to understand what it all looks like using each others' lenses more often.
to be continued...
This was the best event of my week: coming to your blog and finally seeing a new post. I've been clicking the link since 7.11.2011 hoping for this moment. BECAUSE YOU ARE AWESOME.
haha wolves. well put ry. love you.
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